Salam .
definitely not the best day for me . well , hari ni pergi sekolah with huge , smirky smile in the morning and where in the world did all those smiles fly as i went through a very tough day ?
first thing to do is ------> APOLOGIZE .
minta maaf Sufina , Dira , Shah , Ikram , Iqmal , Amal.. memang dah banyak susahkan korang , memang dah banyak annoy kan korang , memang dah banyak peningkan korang , memang dah banyak buat korang serba salah , memang dah banyak buat korang macam macam hari ni kan ?. i am truly sorry :)
and bout the birthday celebration , please do . tadi memang otak anith tak boleh nak fikir semua , memang sedih , memang tak pernah terlintas pun nak CANCEL. Dan itu la hari terakhir anith jumpa korang . so just please . do as i wish :) pleaseee ? bolehh ?
ayem not gona krai enimor . some minutes alone just clear my blocked , kampung minds . take it this way --> u will lose your best friends in just several days . sape tak sedih memamng bengong la otak dia . fikir fikir balik , itulah kehidupan . nak cakap pasal friendship? AHA , it is undescribedable , sbb kami sahaja yang tahu . kami sahaja .
dan the thing yang paling bother aku hari ni . err pasal anis :'(
Lol , anis . dalam banyak banyak hari , hari ni la kita rasa paling jauh dengan kamu . hari kita jadi a complete stranger in front of u . tak tau nape ? mungkin sebab kamu nak pegi nnti , kite kene practice jauhkan diri ? er yeke ? i dont want it that way . i just want anis . a bad friend of mine :)
dan hanisah .. tahun ni kite tak ckp byk pun dengan kamu kan . rindu gila nak sembang lama lama . well , entah la . rindu hang loo nisaaaaa ><
korang ,
i am truly sorry . kite dah memang macam ni , kalau dah sayang , memang susah nak lepaskan . tapi semua orang mcm ni kn ? tapi i am way beyond overreacteddddd :D
tadi ikram tanya , why am i so weird towards him ? kan dah cakap , kalau dah sayang , memang susah nak lepaskan . LOL as a GOOD FRIEND laaaa . hoho . ( dah ikut sindrom dira ulang ulang ayat) karang tak pasal kena flying kick dengan tet diaaa xp
esok cuti . i am glad tak jumpa korang esok :)
ayat atas tu aku tipu .
sayang korang *peace*
sayang sc1*peace*
sayang pijah , zira , amal *peace*
sayang classmate baru *><*
sayang Allah
Assalammualaikum :)
leaving someone is without it also more harder, but, deep inside our heart, we love them to be success, we love them to follow their dream, and we happy to know them in this life..
ReplyDeleteamir , i couldnt agree more . i want them to be successfull , really .
ReplyDeletebut its way too hard to me . im being selfish :(
surely, that something that i could debate...being selfish to have such a good friend, and want to stay with them is a wish that everyone want to..but, life never be like we always want..nothing easy to accept, but, even how much we selfish, try to know, someone that feeling not only us, they that gonna go also feel more..feeling sad the place that they study, to know a lifefull friend..mybe for now, try to appreciate every second with them, before what we feel is only memory..anyway, "perpisahan" is something that no easy understanding feeling to through..
ReplyDeleteohh anith.. you sure a best girl ever!
ReplyDeleteyahhhh! i'm not sure to go yet la.. ibu said if you dont get mesm, just stay put!
gr is also good meyh.. nyahahahaaa..
love anith muchoss