November 10, 2010

am a beginner ^^

H E Y A A ! *oke idea lesap nk tulis apa ! ahh nvm , gonna coret2 sikit2 sahajaa fer the anith , fifteen ( wow ! first time aku tulis umur dlm internet .haha )  bla blaa blaa , start blogging maybe cause tgk my sisters anis & diara , derang punya blog . er er comel , haha so thats how i start this blogging things . perhaps , i want to use this method to jot down all the happy2 , funny2 things which coincidently ( with Allah's will ) took over place in my life . im the beginner so dont tease me cause im young . bahahahahahahaha! anith !
stop your keperasanannnn ! hatuihhhh kyaaaaaaaaaaa ! okee . malas dh nk taip byk2 sbb mata saya smakin lama semakin rabunn , so see yaaaaaaaa ! Assalammualaikummmm ^^

. bulann 


  1. hoho , thank u thank u kak niejaaaaaa !
    baru reti nk follow2 ni . hihi :DDDD
